
Welcome to the Seenit brand guidelines. These guidelines are for anyone who wants to use Seeit’s brand assets. It has been put together for use by everyone at Seenit.

These guidelines outline the general rules when using Seenit’s brand assets and showcasing Seenit content. Consistent use of these assets helps people easily recognise references to Seenit and in time, build a strong, consistent and coherent brand. Assets, materials and a copy of these guidelines are available on the company drive under Brand. Should you need any help or have any questions using this guide, please do not hesitate to ask.


Emily Forbes, founder of Seenit, first discovered the potential of collaborative storytelling in South Africa whilst making a film about rhino conservation protesters. During the protest, she noticed how everyone, not just the professionals, was capturing what was happening around them on their phones. This raw authenticity inspired Emily to incorporate these wider views into her film. Initially, Emily manually collected video clips from these protesters, but quickly realised that it would be far more efficient if people could upload their videos instantly to a central online platform for her to view and edit. With that, Seenit was born: a video collaboration tool that enables companies to produce high impact video at scale by engaging their own communities of employees, customers and fans around the world.

Mission statement


Founded in January 2014, Seenit is an award-winning video collaboration platform that enables companies to produce high impact video at scale by engaging their own communities of employees, customers and fans around the world. Everyone today has a camera on their phone and people are turning to video as their default means of communication. Seenit enables companies to capitalise on this shift in behaviour by creating authentic and reactive content with their communities. We’ve worked with over 100 brand across the broadcast, retail and corporate markets including the BBC, BT Sport, NBC Universal, Clinique, Benefit, Accenture and HSBC. In December 2016, Seenit won the coveted TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield trophy and later in September 2017 were named in Wired’s Top 100 Euopean Startups.