Images are an important part of our brand, and should be used throughout.
As we grow, we will be creating some of our own, bespoke images. However, this is a lengthy process and so in the mean time, good stock photography is encouraged. When selecting stock photography, avoid selecting generic or ubiquitous imagery. We recommend using pexels and librestock.
Example photography
Correct photopgraphy
Images should be beautiful and at leat look unique where possible.
Incorrect photopgraphy
Ubiquitous stock and corperate photography should be avoided at all costs.
Hero photopraphy
Where a large, hero image is used, a duotone effect is recommended using two of our brand colours.
In addition to photography, vectors are used throughout our products and materials. Any colour used must be a Seenit brand colour. For web, CSS3 animations work well with .svg *hint hint 😉*